‘Tell me your dreams…’ may sound like a cheesy line from some suspense novel, however for Homoeopathic physicians your dreams can be the crux of your case.
The concepts of Holism and Individualization in Homoeopathy
Before we understand the significance of your dreams, it is important to comprehend the concepts of holism and individualization in Homoeopathy.
  1. Homoeopathy believes that the mind and body come together to form a ‘whole being’1-a wholesome individual greater than the parts he is made up of. The mind and body are not separate entities but work in tandem to maintain optimum health. So what affects the body engages the mind and what the mind feels or thinks affects the body. Medical science has now reached that advanced level where this link has been proved through biochemistry findings, but to give you a simple example – if there is some physical discomfort, our mood changes drastically and conversely, being in love is known to promote positive body image. That is how our ‘whole being’ works.

  2. Now, we have our own individual traits whether at thoughts and feelings (mind) level or at the physical level (food likes, dislikes, temperature preferences etc.) And you are given a Homoeopathic remedy depending on your ‘individual’ traits. So ten patients coming to us for treatment of a particular condition will receive ten different remedies, best suiting each. This is ‘individualization’ where we understand the individual in depth and prescribe accordingly.
Thus, during the consultation, we are trying to understand your individualistic being at the holistic level – where the mind and body speak the same language. This is your ‘centre’. Each person has a unique centre, beyond their genetic make-up, environment, religion, race, education etc. This unique ‘centre’ expresses itself through –
  1. Subconscious areas like – dreams, fears, interests and hobbies
  2. Conscious areas like – thoughts and emotions
  3. Physically through – food cravings and aversions, heat / cold tolerance, perspiration pattern etc.

The concept of disease – When there is a disparity between your centre and your situations/ surroundings, when you cannot express your centre or you have lost awareness of your centre2, it manifests itself through disease, with signs and symptoms, forcing you to sit up and take notice. Thus disease is nothing but the crystallisation of your ‘centre’ on  physical or mental levels. 

The concept of cure – Hence, to treat your ‘disease’, we need to find out your holistic centre and hence the long case-witnessing process, where we explore different areas – conscious, subconscious and physical, to understand your individualistic, holistic centre.  The remedy given to you matches exactly with this ‘centre’ and brings about a deep, lasting cure. 

Why are dreams so important? Coming back to dreams, they represent your sub-conscious realm in the most pure form. Your fears or interests and hobbies may get moulded according to your external environment, but dreams are left untouched. Dreams cannot be controlled by your external environment and hence are the windows to your ‘centre’. 

So please make a note of – 

  1. Your dreams, as completely as possible
  2. Any repetitive dream
  3. Any theme or pattern of your dreams
  4. Any childhood dreams you remember
  5. Do you see any particular dream, when you are stressed?
  6. The most important part in those dreams – what touched you the most?
  7. Whatever thought and feeling about the dream you remember 
  8. How will you complete the dream if you could?
  1. This will help us to understand your centre and give you the remedy exactly matching with your centre. 
  2. Dreams help you to understand your self better and create awareness about your centre. During the case-witnessing process, you will realise how all your disjointed dreams, thoughts, feelings are actually connected with each other and you now begin to see yourself completely. 

What happens in follow-ups – Since the remedy we give you is ‘holistic’, when you come for your follow-ups, we expect to see changes not only in your physical and/or mental complaints, but also in your dreams. So – 

  1. All those dreams which disturbed you or 
  2. Dreams which were repetitive should get better. 
  3. Old dreams which were stuck in your mind will get released. 
  4. A general sense of well being will prevail with these changes. 

But Homoeopathy goes a step further – as you become aligned with your centre, as you become ‘aware’ of yourself, as this deep state of healing is reached; your centre starts guiding you towards your higher purpose of existence. And what better way than your dreams, which are a direct link to your centre? 

Thus, now the dreams you see guide you towards your Universal path… a path where individual dreams come together and fulfil the great Cosmic Dream!

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